Help Us Keep Our Momentum in 2024

2023 was a year of amplifying our voice in new spaces. A big part of our ministry time this year was spent developing new resources. But we also took some steps to continue to build our infrastructure. We see education as a cornerstone of transforming the narrative about race and justice over the long haul.
Here are some of the things we accomplished in 2023 thanks to the support of our donors.
Wrote a full-length paperback summarizing our biblical model on ethnic unity,
Shot a video-based discussion guide aligned with our forthcoming book for use in small groups,
Developed and launched virtual events,
Developed and launched a CFBU mobile app,
Added 3 new members to our Academic Advisory Council
Hired a part-time media producer,
Hired a part-time accountant,
Generated 20 new blog posts,
Conducted 9 virtual book clubs on race and justice,
Produced 80+ podcasts (All The Things, Off Code, Theology Mom)
Published two White Papers,
Wrote and field tested a new two full-day training that summarizes our biblical model for ethnic unity.
Monique continues to be in high demand as an important voice in the conversation about race, justice and unity. Together, Monique and Krista presented at 23 in-person conferences and/or trainings for over 10,000 people, including Focus on the Family, the Colson Center, the Association for Christian Schools International, the National Apologetics Conference, Impact 360, and Summit Ministries. This included our first International speaking engagement. In March, Monique went to Vancouver, Canada, to present with Neil Shenvi at the Apologetics Canada Conference. She also appeared on more than 20 podcasts, reaching over 100,000 people.
Conversations of race, gender and sexuality and liberation theology continue to create deep divisions within our churches. As we look forward to the New Year, we are excited to see what the Lord has planned.
Here are some of our ministry goals to help us Keep Our Momentum in 2024:
Market and release our forthcoming book, Walking in Unity (Harvest House, September 17, 2024) along with the video discussions,
Release a 10-minute mini-doc about our backstory,
Hire new part-time support staff to assist Monique with donor relations,
Expand the Academic Advisory Council into other disciplines,
Develop and launch two new online courses,
Travel and speak at churches, ministries, and schools,
Publish 20 blog posts,
Publish 4 white papers,
Produce 24 episodes of our podcast, Off Code,
Produce 30 episodes of Krista's podcast, Theology Mom,
Produce 30 episodes of our podcast, All The Things.
There are many Christians who don’t yet know the hope of one race, one people and one Savior. We need your help to reach them with the message that we are already reconciled in Christ.
As the end of the year approaches, will you prayerfully consider how you can partner with the Center for Biblical Unity to spread the hope of biblical unity? Here are a few ways that you can stand with us:
BECOME A MONTHLY PARTNER. We need 15 new Monthly Partners at the $100 per month level in order to maintain our current office space and existing part-time staff. For more info about our Monthly Partner program, click here.
GIVE AN END-OF-YEAR ONE TIME GIFTÂ that will directly allow CFBU to grow as we share our hope-filled message of biblical unity in 2024.Â
COMMIT TO PRAYING for Krista and I as we lead CFBU. Please pray for wisdom in our decisions, health, safety as we travel, and continued provision.
We are excited to see what the Lord brings for us in 2024.
Grace and Peace,
Monique and Krista
P.S. Enjoy some pictures from this year's events, as well as a couple short videos about the ministry's impact.